“Her eyes are like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels.”
Song Of Solomon 5:12
We are completely in love with Chaeli! I mean we LOVE this child! I wake up in the middle of the night and I have to pick her up and kiss her because I can’t wait utnil morning to have her again.
I am in awe that she is ours and I cannot tell you how proud I am to carry her around on my arm. I am crying now as I type this because it is all so good, so very, very good. How did we ever receive such a gift from God? Wait until you meet my daughter, and then you will know what I mean. There’s just something about Chaeli…
I thought I would write to you today and tell you a few things we have noticed about our China pearl. We have had her for only 3 days now and all I can think about is how did I ever not have her with me? I love her so much. I want to take her everywhere I go. It is so funny because Dan and I are always trying to hold her and see who gets her next. The really neat thing is that Chaeli is equally bonded to us both. It makes no difference to her which one of us is holding or kissing her. She is very responsive to love and to touch. She holds very still to be kissed and loved, and never pushes us away (now that is saying a lot because I kiss her a lot!)
The first interesting thing that we have noticed about Chaeli is how good she is. I mean this child is a really good baby. Surprisingly enough Chaeli is still very much a baby. She has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 teeth on the top of her mouth, and she really has no interest in any solid foods except bottles and rice cereal mixed in with her formula. I am so thankful to God that He gave us Chaeli when He did because we have not missed any big milestones in her life yet, like crawling or walking or talking. Chaeli is a delicate, tiny peanut. I am so glad that I have not missed having her as a baby.
The best news is that Chaeli is so happy and healthy. She coos all the time and really studies our faces. She is a fast learner. She copies what I do and has already said Momma and Daddy a couple times. Her favorite way to comfort herself is to take her fingers and pull them down across her bottom lip. She does this while making baby noises. And you will all get a kick out of this… Chaeli’s favorite thing to play with is a dolly! (the little Chinese doll that was in her crib). Carsten it is the one that you really like b/c it smells like cookie dough! Anyhow, Chaeli loves to play with her doll and to touch her hair. Praise God! I have a girly girl!!!!!!! Dan and I also have noted that Chaeli really likes anything that is musical and lights up. People have commented how Chaeli wears her girl fluffy stuff so well, ya know like hair bows and bracelets. She never pulls them out. Yet another sign of the girly girl I prayed for!
As little as Chaeli is she never spits up or drools. We don’t even have to use bibs with her! Wow, this is so different from our boys! She is also ticklish on her lower belly and is really starting to laugh out loud now when we play with her, which we do a lot.
Chaeli can roll over and get up on her knees. She can also sit up when propped, but falls over after awhile as her balance is still developing. In every way, in every thing, Chaeli has more than fulfilled all of our dreams for a little girl. There is nothing that has disappointed us in her. I simply cannot get enough of being with her. I want to take her everywhere and do everything with her. Could God have given me a better gift this year? I know she was my gift from Him. She has completely satisfied my soul and when I embrace her I cry prayers of thanksgiving to God in heaven. May each word be recorded as a testimony for what he has done for me.
Chaeli is so intuitive and very, very observant. She views the world more through her eyes than she does her hands right now.I think there will always be something special about her eys. She looks at us so intently as if she is recording every single thing in her mind. I am not kidding when I say she looks “into” us. I prayed for many months that God would let Chaeli see mein her dreams and somehow “know” me so that when she met me there would be something there that was familiar to her. I believe it is this familiarness that Chaeli sees when she looks at us. It is like she is remembering…
Chaeli has discovered her fingers and looks at them a lot. She also loves to suck her thumb. Her hands and feet are so tiny…
…like little baby hands (Laura even that itty bitty bracelet you had made for her falls off of her wrist, so that tells you how small she is!) Dan and I both think Chaeli looks Vietnamese now that we are here with her. I never thought that before upon seeing her pictures, but when you are face to face with her she looks very much like she is from that area. I can hardly wait to get her cousin/sister here from Vietnam. I sometimes look at Chaeli and think of Lily. The two of them will be very close. I believe that is a promise that is being kept for them.
All of the Chinese people comment about Chaeli’s eyes. They say they are very unique and filled with so much expression. We have never seen eyes like Chaeli’s before. The closest thing to them that I have ever seen is Ali’s eyes. Perhaps that is why I have felt such a love and connection with Ali from the very beginning (in her was apiece of my daughter that I had not yet received). One thing is for sure, you will all fall head over heels for Chaeli! She has a way of looking at you that puts you in a love spell!
Before I forget…we found Starbucks today! It was our first latte since leaving home and boy did it hit the spot! And remember our guide Cordelia? Well we finally got a picture of her with Chaeli & me so you can all see my Chinese sister!
Love you all!
Sheila & Dan.
I am SO happy for you and your whole family! I can’t think of a better Christmas present! (And didn’t I tell you that you’d have her in time?)
She is a beautiful baby, and so blessed to be a part of your family. I can’t wait to meet her.