Yen Yen is 1 month at home (tomorrow) and already it feels like she has always been with us. The boys are crazy in love with her and I walk around the house saying, “I never knew I could love like this before.”
Chaeli is the perfect baby and our family is rejoicing over her daily, at how perfectly God answers prayers. She is crawling from room to room and is pulling herself up and walking along her crib and our furniture.
She loves her new excersaucer (from Pat & Cindy Frye) and is so happy when she takes her baths (see th epictures I have posted).
The girl is a little fish! Her newest talent is that she puts her head down on the floor, hands and feet planted firmly (like she is going to do a somer sualt), and then she lifts her butt up in the air (holds the position) and does the wiggle dance! It is the cutest thing you have ever seen! I swear she will be doing somersaults by the end of the week!
Here are some of the latest pictures of our little Sugar Plum. We will celebrate her first birthday on February 28th! Love to you all ~
Sheila & Dan.
P.S. OK so we are jumping the gun a little by putting Chaeli in her swim suits…but we can dream can’t we! Can’t wait for the long, lazy days of summer with Yen Yen on my hip! Thank you Auntie Christ and Uncle Dean for buying Yen Yen her first pink bathing suite.