To all of our friends & family who have been checking our blog regularly for updates we so apologize for the delay…We have been busy running back and forth to baseball games and track meets. The good news is baseball season is almost over! Hooray I get a life again! We are pressing into the qualifying meets now for The Junior Olympics and Chase appears to be a strong contender with his 4.47 mile.
Chaeli is thriving in her new family and home, and loves her brothers beyond anything I can write about here. She lights up every time they walk in the room or pick her up and twirl her around. She is one lucky girl to have 3 brothers as her covering. They admire her and love her and they live to see her smile. Her cousin Davis is pretty enthralled with her too!
Chaeli starts every morning off with her playful bath and it is customary for us to see her all nestled up in a towel just like this. Dan calls her his cuddle duck every time she comes out of the water all wrapped up. I love my mornings with Chaeli (when all the boys have left for school and it is just her and I). We have so much fun together and surely the best part of our day is in the morning when I get to bathe her, massage her with sweet smelling lotions, kiss her little brown bear body from head to toe, and dress her up in all of her adorable clothes! She is my little beauty and I never tire of looking into her face.
Mother’s Day was very special for us this year because we had Chaeli blessed at our church. It was so neat to have all of her brothers, and her Mommy and Daddy come up in front of the church family and talk about Chaeli and our love for her. Dan said a prayer for her in front of the congregation that was so heartfelt.
Here are some pictures of Chaeli with her Daddy who simply adores her!
Here are a few pictures of Chaeli and me taken early in the morning in our back yard. I cannot tell you how long I have waited and longed for a little girl of my own to take a picture just like this one. She has made the wait so worth it for me. Who else could there have ever been for me except little Chaeli?
I think these are some of my favorite pictures of Chaeli because it shows her laughing and it really shows off her funny, goofy little pigtails (we call them “pigs”). Chaeli’s personality is really coming through. She smiles all the time, belly laughs and gives kisses whenever we pucker up to her. She melts our hearts into liquid.
We thank all of you for the love that you have shown to our little Chaeli Bug! She is one happy little girl and she has a family that was hand picked for her by God, to love her all the days of her life. That is what we are passionately doing one day at a time.